For your everyday shopping or for that special occasion meal, we have lots of ingredients from local farms and food producers for sale everyday. Here is a quick list of the most commonly available items. Please call or email us if you are looking for more! Thank you!
Milk from Monument Farms in Weybridge, Vermont Milk and Ice Cream from Strafford Valley Organic in Strafford, Vermont Yogurt and occasional grains from Butterworks Farm in Westfield, Vermont Preserves from Blake Hill Farm in Windsor, Vermont Summer sausage, pepperoni and jerky from Vermont Smoke & Cure Red, White and Rose wines made with local grapes from Boyden Winery, Snow Farm Winery and Shelburne Vineyard Eggs from backyard farmers or the new cage free facility at Maple Meadow Egg Farm in Salisbury Everyday cheeses from Neighborly Farms and artisan cheese from across Vermont Vermont sodas and kombuchas A large variety of fabulous produce from Pete's Greens and Jericho Settlers' Farm Kimchi and sauerkraut from Flack Family Farm in Enosburg Falls, Vermont Egg rolls and samosas made in Vermont Rhapsody Tempeh iin Cabot, Vermont Beef, pork and lamb all from local farms in our meat department. Creme fraiche, mascarpone and fromage blanc from Vermont Creamery Tofu from Vermont Soy Cranberries from Bob in Fairfield, VT available seasonally Baked goods from Poorhouse Pies, Manghis Bread, Gerard's, Klinger's, LaStrada and more! Apple Cider from Champlain Orchard
Apple cider vinegar, sunflower oil and assorted salad dressings Woodchuck hard ciders Switchback, Shed, Frost, and many other local microbrews. Chicken from Misty Knoll in New Haven and Adams Farm in Westford Lots of honey and maple syrup, hot sauces, mustards and more!
Frozen pizzas from Half Baked and Vermont Small Batch Treats from Vermont Cookie Love, Liz Lovely, and many many more.
Freshly butchered pork cuts and rendered lard from Snug Valley Farm in East Hardwick, Vermont Bacon cheese burgers made with local beef, Cabot cheddar and Vermont Smoke & Cure bacon Fabulous freshly cut steaks for the grill. All of our beef comes from Boyden Farm in Cambridge or Cedar Acre Farms in West Haven. Roast beef in the deli made from Boyden Farm top round right here in our kitchen Poultry from Adams Farm in Westford and Misty Knoll in New Haven Handcrafted fresh sausage made onsite using only local pork We smoke our own kielbasa that we make with local pork as well as our own pancetta, smoked pork bones, pig ears, salt-free bacon, tourtieres and more! Corned beef and pastrami made by our butcher with Vermont beef brisket Any custom cut can be had with advance notice. We order whole carcass and can cut whatever you need! Oven ready items to make dinner easy:: Chicken cordon blue, stuffed flank steak pinwheels and more! Enjoy your Localvore Challenge and let us know what you learn!
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